Assignment: Part I: Discuss the social media tools you use, and what you use them for. Try to be as specific as you can. How often do you use them? What kind of information do you get you from them? What kind of information do you provide to them? How do you decide who to include and exclude from your network of trusted users? What do you think you'd lose if you didn't have this technology? Would you gain anything?
Part II: Track your social media usage for a few days. What are people in your network sharing and discussing? What are you sharing and discussing?
Your post should be at least 300 words. Due date: By the end of Tuesday, April 18.
The social media platforms that I most frequently use are Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. I check up on all these platforms numerous times a day, but Facebook the least. My main reasons for using social media is to check up on what my friends are doing, let others know what I’ve been up to, learn about what’s going on in the world, and of course, for memes. I very rarely post on Facebook anymore, but still use it for watching the videos and looking at the pictures people share on it. However, I still post on the other three. For Snapchat, I probably send 20 snaps a day to my close friends, but occasionally post stories for everyone I have added to see. With Instagram I don’t post too often either, maybe like once a month, but still scroll through the feed to see what everyone is up to. Twitter is where I make my most public posts which usually consist of pictures I find funny, replying to posts, and retweeting other people’s posts. When it comes to deciding who I include and exclude from following my accounts, it varies per platform. For example, I wouldn’t accept a random person’s friend request on Facebook, but would let them follow my Twitter or Snapchat. The reason for this is because I feel that Facebook is more personal and has more information about me on it than the other platforms. Without social media I think more cons would occur than pros. The only good thing I could see coming from not having social media for me would be there being less distractions. On the other hand, not having social media would make me less informed, know less about what my friends are up to, less forms of communication, and less comedy to come across.
ReplyDeleteOver the past few days of tracking my social media accounts, I reflected on what people are sharing/discussing and what I was sharing/discussing. On Snapchat and Instagram I mostly saw pictures of people with their friends or engaging in an activity. I did not post on Instagram, but posted a couple of stories on Snapchat of my friends and I visiting our other friend at Manhattan College. On Facebook I did not post either, but saw others sharing political posts (a few fabricated) and food videos. On Twitter I also saw many political posts (a lot having to do with Trump’s decision to bomb Syria), memes, and video game news. I retweeted several tweets but only posted a few of my own.
The main social media applications that I use are Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. For twitter, I use them for music, current events, news in my area, and a way to interact with friends. Sometimes if i am not home and i need to do some regarding business or work i am able to use Twitter to connect with the people who would like to work with me. I also use Twitter to stay in touch with my favorite sports teams so i follow them and they will give me updates on scores, schedules, roster moves, and other things like that. Twitter is my favorite social media platform out of them all because it is basically all of the other apps formed into one and everyone uses it. It is like our modern day news channel, instead of watching television some people go to Twitter to watch videos or clips of their favorite team, artists, or celebrities. I use Instagram because I like being in touch with some relatives or friends who may not have twitter and its also a good way to share your pictures in a consistent feed. It also has Instagram live which some celebrities go on and could get a live feed of what their up to which i find a little weird but i guess its interesting at the same time. Snapchat I use to share moments with my close friends who i think would either enjoy what i send to them or find funny. Sometimes i will post a story for everyone to see. The information i put out on all of these social media platforms is usually things regarding music, sports, or current events that i feel i need to say something about. I do not post too frequently but only when i see it fit and necessary. If we didnt have this technology i think we would be taking major steps backwards because the whole idea of social media is to help connect with people much faster and more efficiently. With social media we can see the exact thoughts of people as high up as our president and i think that goes a long way, no matter how low we may think his IQ is. If we did lose this technology we would definitely gain a sense of bringing back real interaction with people rather than a cyberspace interaction because the real thing will always be better than the original, i just think people are losing sight of that.
ReplyDeleteAfter tracking my activity for a couple days, i noticed that a lot of info regarding Syria has surfaced and the killer Steve Stephens on the loose has been going viral. It is sad because a lot of negativity always gains a lot of attention but in this case it is beneficial because it lets people be aware much faster.
For social media I mainly use Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. I use them very often, several times a day. I use facebook to get more “serious” news, for example my political news and environmental news. I also use that platform to be a social advocate more than I use it for my own personal life. I often share articles and news regarding to mental health, veganism, and the environment. I also write posts about those topic to share with my followers as well. I really believe in taking advantage of the power of social media in a positive way. With such a large audience, what better place to advocate for important things? Over spring break I visited the Woodstock Farm Sanctuary, which is a sanctuary for animals rescued from factory farms. It is a fully vegan facility so it was very heartwarming to see and experience this environment. I took many photos and videos that I then shared on facebook the next day and included a long explanation of my day in which I advocated for the animals and promoted a vegan lifestyle. So, I would say that facebook is the platform that I mainly use for serious advocation and the way in which I learn of serious news. Although, I also do enjoy watching and sharing the odd funny cat video now and again. I also use instagram to advocate for these things but I include a lot of my personal life on that platform. I post photos of my friends, my family, and things that I do. For example, over the break I went to a family reunion so I posted a photo of myself with my aunts. As for Snapchat, I only use this for personal things. I’ll post stories of where I am or what I’m doing if I feel inclined to share, but I mostly use it to communicate individually with my friends. A lot of people that I follow share similar things to me. On instagram all of my friends share personal photos and I follow them for that reason. On facebook I connect with distant family so that I have access to what they are up to in their lives but I also follow accounts that share credible news so that I can maintain my account as a place of advocation and productive content. When I am posting anything on social media I try not to overthink what I’m doing because at the end of the day, it’s my profile and I will post what I want to post and what makes me happy. So, I don’t think or worry about what anyone else will think of it but, of course, I follow certain self imposed guidelines. I never post anything that will negatively affect someone else, I never post anything on social media that I would not be comfortable saying or showing someone in real life, and (this rule was drilled into my head by my mother) I will never post anything that I wouldn’t want my grandma to see. I have found that these rules have kept me out of trouble in regard to social media thus far. I believe that social media is extremely powerful and should never be underestimated. It can be used to do profound things but can also be detrimental, it is the responsibility of all those who use it to use it responsibly.
ReplyDeleteDuring the past week i have noticed a few trending topics on my social media. One of which being the new law passed about in state schooling. Where people will be going for free if they make under a certain amount of money as a family. The topic of the guy that killed an old man also came into the spotlight. Even Nicki Minaj posted about it on her instagram. I personally use most platforms of social media. Instagram, facebook, snapchat, twitter. All of these networks help me stay up to date on current news. I personally use instagram for my photography picture because its a hobby of mine and twitter and snapchat is used for me to keep others up to date on the activities I've been doing. Twitter I typically use just to find funny posts that make me laugh. I use social media everyday at least a couple of times an hour. It can be considered an addiction. I also use social media to keep up to date on technology. I follow certain news sites like IGN and techno buffalo which sites report on things like new phones, gaming consoles, and much more. The information i share would be different activities i think others would find interesting. If I go to a concert or a vacation I would post pictures from that event for others to see me doing such activities. I decided to include close friends and family in my social media but not all my family because I've had past problems with family members having an issue with the things i find funny on my Facebook so I've had to limit the people that see my news feed on my social media. I think people would lose a sense of value if they didnt have social media because these things bring peoples egos to an all time high.
ReplyDeleteUsually when I am using different social media platforms to obtain different information such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. I look through these platforms daily usually avoiding any kind of problems in the real world and just trying to look for more funnier new that mostly pertains to music or famous celebrities. I am usually checking Twitter once every few days, I do use Facebook a lot more often for news, sports and music than I have in the past because of the connections that Facebook is beginning to have available right on the right side of the page that show what is trending and it also provides connecting websites that will give you full articles to different news. I use Instagram every single day as a funnier approach to find out about news and mostly to find out about music or what happened in different sports games that were going on the night before. When scrolling through all of my social networks, some are easier to avoid than others. Most of the time I can filter what I see through the people that I am following on my social media accounts, other times it is hard to filter through my media is something is so popular that I actually cannot avoid it. If I didn't have this technology I would probably lose the anger that gets created when I see things about this world that I didn't want to hear about or annoying media posts that I do not want to see but don't have a choice because more often than not it is my own immediate family making these silly posts and I cant do much to avoid them. I would probably gain more sanity in my life by reading actual print journalism and finding out about things through either word or mouth of physically reading about what is going on in the world.
ReplyDeleteI personally have 4 different social media accounts. I have a Facebook, Instagram, snapchat and a twitter account. Each account I use for a different purpose. I use Facebook as a form of communication between international students, my classmates and myself since I am taking international communications course this semester. In my opinion Facebook is more for older people and I will soon be deleting that account. I mainly use Instagram and snapchat to post pictures and videos with my friends having a good time. My favorite account that I have is my twitter account because people are constantly sharing their thoughts and I find it to be very relatable and inspirational at times. I use every one of these accounts every day. Depending on the day I may receive news updates or personal updates from people or accounts that I follow. The way I decide whether or not I will follow someone or let them follow me is only if I personally know them personally. If believe if I didn’t have any of these accounts I would lose the attachment to my phone and gain more focus on the important things in life.
ReplyDeleteOver the past couple of days, I have been tracking several stories on social media, the main one being Coachella. Coachella is a massive music festival held in California. Celebrities, athletes, and people from all over the world attended the festival and the fashion is amazing. Coachella fashion is very unique and seeing what everyone decided to wear is super exciting. Many new trends and fads come from Coachella fashion. There are endless pictures and candid moments captured by photographers and videographers while the big super stars perform on stage. One day I would love to make it out to Coachella myself and see what it’s all about but for now one can only hit the refresh button on all of the apps.
Taron Tann
ReplyDeleteEnglish 217
Mr. Fuentes
People need to be aware that YouTube is the greatest social media device to ever be invented. That is why it is why I use YouTube, instead of Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat. The reason why I go on YouTube on the daily is because the website itself can teach you a lot of things and expose you to many great ideas. For instance the prime reason why I go on YouTube is because I watch video’s on everything including old cartoons, TV show, old school music, and sometimes movies if I do not have to pay for them, because honestly YouTube does not allow free movies only because the site itself does not have any copy rights to the movie. Then after I am done watching whatever I saw I go down to the comment section and post my opinion on what I just saw. That is another reason why I like YouTube is only because of the subscribers. The subscribers post any comment they want and that is also where you find the most random people posting anything on what they saw, including celebrities. On the comment section you find them either copying the whole video, certain parts of the video, or talking about the actors and how well they performed or allude to other movies of TV shows that they saw.
Honestly, YouTube is the undisputed social media sight ever; without it we would not gain any insight. I remember a time where I was so eager to drive but I did not know how to parallel park or drive properly. Since I could not grasp the technique, that is when I decided to go on YouTube and then from watching numerous videos learning how to park and drive I became confident and eager to drive a car. Also, with YouTube taught me how to drive properly and it gave me the confidence to go and pass my road test. That is why I feel that YouTube is the best social media site known to man. Only because that site teaches you how to do everything and you gain insight on things you are unaware of. That is why people need to be on youtube more often then those other social media sites because they last longer then and other social media site.
I’m not a real big social media fan, but I love to use it on occasions. Things like Snapchat, YouTube, Tumblr, and sometimes even Pinterest are fun to use and are basically the only social media apps ones I have on my phone. On Snapchat I am able to communicate and catch up on my friends lives without having to actually talk to them. I am also able to share my life, my experiences and things I find interesting. On Snapchat there are also news sources you can check up on and there’s one which is centered around Latin/Hispanics which I would check up on when I can. There are others as well which give you current news which is happing around the world and its quick and easy to access. On Snapchat I block my sister because she does not need to know what I do, plus she blokes me so its fair and on Tumblr I block those who are annoying, who want to start fights and arguments on topics I do not care about. Tumblr I like to use to hear about my favorite shows or movies, and music. There are times where these huge debates go down over something so simple, but me being a big drama lover and like to stick my nose into everything would go through them just to see who’s winning. Sometimes it gets too heated and crazy, but it’s fun. As for YouTube I think everyone uses it. I like to use it to watch music videos, tutorials, DIY videos, clips from The Graham Norton Show, or check something out someone told me about, and sometimes when I procrastinate I find myself looking at cute puppy videos or serial killer interviews. Pinterest is more like DIY instructions, makeup tutorials or just random pictures of cute animals. I’m not going to lie I use my social media every day, there’s always something new going on so I have to keep myself updated. On your iPhone you can check how much of your battery goes into each app and how much time you spend on it for the last couple of days. Apparently for Snapchat I use 17% of battery on it, Tumblr I use 26%, YouTube was 20% and Pinterest has only 2%. That means 65% of my phone battery goes into social media.
ReplyDeleteThe social media tools I use are Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook. I use Facebook and Tumblr the least. I use Twitter to catch up on what’s happening with people I know, new jokes, funny videos or memes, which are pictures with captions that are jokes. I use Snapchat to send pictures of my day, something funny or something I’ll eat because I’m super happy about it. I use Instagram to post pictures and to see what my friends are up to. I also like seeing memes on Instagram too. I use Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram daily and go on them frequently. Information I give to them are occasion tweets on Twitter about something that happened during my day, a picture on Instagram of an event or just something I love. For facebook, I never post anything, I just scroll and look at my feed but nothing great is ever on Facebook. On Tumblr, I look at pictures and occasionally reblog something. I used to go on Tumblr a lot when it was popular but it has definitely died down. The only time I’m not on social media is if I’m out or with my boyfriend. If we’re together relaxing or hanging out at home, we’ll both be on it but not for long. We won’t stay on it constantly. When I decide to include or exclude people on my social media accounts, I go by whether if I know them or not. If somebody requests me on Facebook and I don’t know them, I won’t accept. I will get random followers on twitter and I don’t know them but I don’t follow them back and won’t block them. I will only block them if they’re annoying or interact with me in a way that I don’t see fit. If I didn’t have this technology, I would probably feel a bit lost but I could survive without it. I don’t NEED it to survive. Going outside or spending time with family and friends is better, healthier and more fun than being on social media all day. It can get boring anyway. By not using it, I would gain more time with family and friends and I would gain more time to do things such as homework, reading and going outside.
ReplyDeleteI tracked my social media usage and on the iPhone, in the settings, you can see what apps you use the most or most frequently and I have used Messaging the most but when it comes to social media, I use Snapchat the most, Twitter, then Instagram. People in my network are sharing about their daily lives or little things that happened to them. Mostly on Instagram, people will talk about something they did or just rant about things. Recently, I haven’t shared much but on Snapchat, I just post pictures on my story of sushi or something stupid my boyfriend did or said.
Social Networks represent certain aspects of our society. People use social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and Snap Chat to communicate with each other. Social networks have taken over the world and they are growing everyday. I have my own blogs to share information. Social networks have a big impact on people’s lives.
ReplyDeleteI will lose a lot if I didn’t have social media because I will not gain inside of knowledge. I will not be able to talk to my family often on facebook. I will not make new friends on social media. I will definitely use television to watch my funny videos. I will never learn how to sew because Youtube taught me how to make clothes. I use social media like facebook because it gives you some news about what’s going on in the world like the guy who kill people for a woman who left him. I get new friends and I can communicate with my family from Haiti, Canada, Unites States and Paris. Facebook teach you how to make some food like cake, chicken, fish. Sometimes, I watch funny videos that make you laugh. It’s almost the same thing with Youtube.
The world is filled with Social Media apps available at my fingertips 24\7. I am blessed to have access to worldwide information at my fingertips 24\7. Today’s technology allows my family tree to cover branches within hours of my name being given to a single individual. Yes, the days of networking are at a whole new level of access and availability. We will take a walk down the road of my life and how social media plays a part. My day is started with my daily alerts about the many topics I placed on my smart social device to alert me too. The weather forecast is the most important information I get before I get out of my bed. It helps me pick the right cloths to wear for the whole day. My second most important daily alert is my daily calendar of meetings and scheduled events for the day. It helps get my mind in order about topics and discussions. The meeting could be covering yesterday headline news or how to improve the company bottom line. Having my mind fresh with information and ideals will service the company and myself. It will work towards better company morale. Finally, the instant message services provided by the many different apps (iMessage, WhatsApp, Snapchat etc) are priceless. I can start an instant message with one colleague and within minutes, I can have over 5 people expressing their different views. My day can end with my personal views being changed by standing in someone else’s shoes because a discussion started with “Can you believe that?” Social Media in the year 2017 have made my life and the people around me talk without boarders and walls. So, I hope we continue to use smart social devices as a bridge builder and not wall divider.
Social media has become apart of this generation's lives. Almost everyone is on social media for one reason or another. Personally I try my best not to get too caught up in social media, but I still use some social media tools everyday. Some of the apps I use consist of Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. Personally each of these serve their own purpose for me.
ReplyDeleteInstagram is something I look at a lot but I do not post a lot of pictures myself. I use Instagram not so much to stay connected with my friends, but I use it to look at celebrities, and musicians, and fashion. I follow a lot of photographers, models, and clothing companies because that stuff interests me. I also use Instagram to look at funny memes and videos, but when i'm looking for a good laugh I go on Twitter. To me Twitter is hands down one of the best apps to have because the people on it are so funny. I do not even tweet I just use it to laugh. Twitter is full of odd videos and weird tweets. Lastly is Snapchat, Snapchat I use for my friends. Because of all the pictures and close chatting you can do I consider it more of an intimate app. Sending pictures back and forth is pretty personal. You keep a list of your friends that can see what you put up and that's it. I have noticed over the years that snapchat has become the most used social media platform by me.
With all the social media growing with society it helps give people a voice. Although tweeting things won’t change the world at least you know someone is listening to you. Also with social media on the rise, often times for most young people it is a communication tool. However, I believe this type of communication hinders our social behaviors when we are talking face to face. Social media is a good thing, but it is not always used to its full potential.