Tell us what you're working on and how it's going. What's a good quote that'll be showing up in your story? Include some discussion about your sources, too. Your post should be at least 200 words. Due date: by the end of Tuesday, March 28.
For this assignment I decided to choose the topic of the Nintendo switch and basically give it a review with information taken from both other reviews as well as my own personal experience. I plan to go into detail about the positives and negatives about the system and then talk about the main features and what sets it apart from other current generation gaming consoles today. So far my research was pretty easy to find. seeing that this is a new console that just recently came out this month There are articles all over the internet going into detail about it. Ive found information like the problems with some of the remotes being flawed when sent out or situations where the battery in some systems have been faulty. Also one of the most interesting things I've heard of was how some of the systems aren't even functioning when you turn it on. Its problems like these that make me want to do a review on the system. a lot of people are focusing on the bad things rather than the good. I want to bring a full non bias review so people get both the good and the bad of the system.
ReplyDeleteFor my story assignment I decided to write about the changes the television/film industry are undergoing. I decided to choose this topic because it relates to the kind of work I want to do in the future and that this is something that has taken place over the course of my lifetime. I will be going into detail about how streaming services such as Netflix have been increasing in popularity, how consumers are less willing to pay for cable subscriptions, and how media companies are noticing and reacting to the shift in how consumers access media. So far my research and planning has worked out pretty well, but I am having a little bit of difficulty trying to find quotes that relate to my story. One of the quotes that I did end up finding which will appear in my article comes from Michael Smith (Author of Streaming, Sharing, Stealing: Big Data and the Future of Entertainment.) who in an interview with Fortune said the following “What the academic literature says is that consumers get an incredible amount of value from being able to find exactly the kind of content that meets their unique tastes—and that consumers' tastes are incredibly varied, more so than what you can find with traditional broadcast channels.” My sources all agree on the idea that television is evolving and mostly seem to look at this change in a positive way.
ReplyDeleteMy article is about the downfall of the Seattle Seahawks. Originally it was suppose to be about Earth day but I changed my mind and felt that people need to be aware that the Seahawks have been lacking over the years. That is why I came up with a sample article and believe me this is more than 200 words.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the Seattle Seahawks? They were such a great team. How did they slump down? What brought them to their near downfall? It seems like after Quarterback Russell Wilson gave a 1 yard interception to defensive player Malcolm Butler, causing the Seahawks to lose Superbowl 49 it became the beginning of the Seattle Seahawks downfall. Despite it happening two years ago it was still an idiotic and unwise play. People will never forget about that including Seahawks fans. To those Seahawks fans and players it is very disappointing, because when they look back it’s they are going to say to themselves, “We should have handed it to Lynch”.
Many people and including myself suggested that game was rigged and of course many people opposed and some say in which everyone can agree on was that it was a bad play. Some people even questioned what if the intended receiver Tyler Locket did catch it? Even if he did many people would be stunned. The only reason why is because it would go down in history as a very risky play. People would literally be on the edge of their seats hoping the football would not get intercepted. Honestly despite giving the ball to running back Marshawn Lynch, there could have been other ways to score. For instance Russell Wilson could have either performed a QB sneak, run it in or either hand it off to a full back or another running back. Those plays right there could have sealed the game. But instead they just gave it up.
For the assignment I am going to be writing about the evolution of the music industry over the past decade. I chose to write about this topic because music is something that has been apart of my life for a while. Today, due to streaming, people have easier access to music like never before. Services like Spotify and Apple Music have become extremely popular over the last couple years and this has shifted the music industry. Economically artists and major labels have been affected by the new sources of music. Album sales revenues are no longer as big as they once were for artists. This topic seems relevant because it is current and most people who listen to music are now streaming it. Artists are still making a lot of money by other means such as endorsements or even touring. Both sides of the spectrum are being affected, the listeners and the artists. The listeners are for streaming because now music is cheaper than ever and more accessible. With certain service subscriptions, it cost about the same amount of money as an album, per month for endless streaming. The artists are facing a problem because they do not want to feel like their art is being undervalued.
ReplyDeleteMy assignment is on racism in the justice system and how it affects the people. I’ll be including facts based on statistics and from previous court cases. Stemming from the supreme court and the latter. In recent times people have been dismissing racism or simply claiming it has no effect on the public. The infamous “slavery was so long ago,” or “get over it”. It’s hard to get over a system that has oppressed you and has been designed to keep you oppressed, impoverished, and incarcerated. Some speakers I will be using for quotes would be Jane Elliot, activist and educator. As well as Martin Luther King Jr will be mentioned. The hypocrisy in the justice system today is pretty shameful. A person of color can commit rape, a shameful, heinous, and unforgivable act. And be sentenced to 5-25 years for the sexual assault. And rightfully so. However, a Caucasian male can commit the same exact act but be given a lesser sentence of 3 months to a year just off the premise that “one mistake shouldn’t tarnish his future” or the infamous “jail wouldn’t help this young man.” It’s crazy to look at when you see the statistics and the numbers.
ReplyDeleteFor my article I decided to write about Ed Sheeran and his success on his new album ‘Divide’. During the time of its release it has gained more than one billion views. I chose this topic because I love Sheeran’s music and find it very interesting to hear about his success. There are many reviews on his newest album some praise it and some say it is not as good as his last few albums, but they are still listening to it, he is still getting his music out there. Although not everyone loves his album, he was able to reach billions with his first two singles when he first released them on January 6, 2017. Many of the sources say how fast the views went up during such little time. Before this Sheeran has not been on social media at all and after a year he posted a blue square on December 13, 2016 giving fans the color of his new album and breaking the internet in the meantime. For this article I used music centered websites and music related news. In an interview he said “All my other albums have been about heartbreak and I'm just not in that place, I had to find new things to write about, so I guess I dwelled on my family a bit". He explains his motivation on his newest songs and it shows through his music.
ReplyDeleteFor this assignment, my story is on the new iPhone 8 model and the rumors that are and have been released. So far it’s going pretty well. It’s not hard to find information or rumors about the new model because it’s a hot topic. Ever since the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus came out, the biggest question that is asked is, “When is the next model coming out?” or, “What will the next model have and not have?” The best part of the new iPhone 8 is all the newest features or lack of. Everybody’s different so with new features or lack of, of course people will be unhappy and some will be happy. Personally, I like new features and new software but many prefer original models. With that being said, the iPhone 8 could be a new model shape OR the same shape as the original iPhone. This is due to the durability, it is more protective than the newer models. A quote that will show up In my story is, “On Mashable, it was also said the iPhone 8 to have an all glass body, edge-to-edge display and could have wireless charging.” Personally, I do hope the iPhone 8 has wireless charging. I don’t know exactly how that could work but with Apple, anything is possible. There is talk that they’re doing away with the charging port, the headphone jack is nonexistent on the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus so it wouldn’t be a surprise.
ReplyDeleteFor my article I decided that I was going to write about Intel buying out the company Mobileye for $15 billion in order to have the rights to the new technological advancements that are able to make cars driverless. Since there are companies now that are looking into the next big and best thing to add to cars since we seem to have it all, some companies need to begin to explore other options to make more money on car sales and to also differentiate themselves from the competition. Even by advancing with this technology, Intel is becoming big in the market by working with the technology and information they have received from buying out Mobileye. Over the next 15 years there should be a huge leap in the information we will begin to discover and new inventions to be able to make this technology work as safely and efficiently as possible. Even companies such as Uber and Lyft are working on new ways to accommodate their customers in a way that will cost them even less money. This new technology will target and affect taxi companies hugely once it is released and tested. With this new technology the New York Times even says “In January, the companies announced plans to have up to 40 autonomous cars on American and European roads by the end of this year as part of initial trials.” So before we even know it we will be able to see a sneak peek into the technology that is said to be fully released and on the market for sale around the year of 2021.
ReplyDeleteI would like to talk about stress how it could be good or can affect your whole body. I know we have been under stress sometimes in our lives, either good or bad. s, we’ve all been stress. Today, I am here to talk to all of you about stress and the effects that it has on the body, how we can cope when we are under stress, and last how to avoid stressors. Stress is actually a good thing on the body. Stressing for a brief period of time over work or over a school assignment is not always bad. But, once stress last for a long period of time and starts to attack the immune system and that’s when it is bad. Stress is a part of life, sometimes we tend to stress over things that we have no control over, or sometimes things happen which can cause one to stress. Stress is inevitable and can affect the body in many negative ways. According to WebMD, the human body is designed to be under stress, and keeping us alert when we are in danger; but only for a short amount of time. They also go in depth into explaining what chronic stress can cause. Chronic or untreated stress can cause headaches, trouble sleeping, skin conditions, high blood pressure, upset stomach, chest pains and in female can even affect their menstruation. Stress even affects the digestive system and some will gain or lose weight. Insomnia is also common in those who have chronic stress. Sometimes, people deal with different kind of stress. Some cope using alcohol, others drugs, some indulge in sweets. Coping with stress can be extremely difficult, but it is never okay to deal with stress using drugs or other harmful medications. According to Helpguide.org, the best way to trigger stress is to first find the cause of stress. Once you can figure the cause of stress, then it is easier to fix the problem.
ReplyDeleteMy story is all about the corruption within the government in regard to the animal agriculture business. I talk about the irony of the fact that the government nutrition guidelines recommends limiting your animal product consumption yet the government subsidizes the animal industry with enormous amounts of money. They subsidize the animal product industry far more than the fruit and vegetable industry which is why animal products are far cheaper. Advertisements are also put out that urge people to purchase and consume animal products despite increasing evidence proving the detrimental environmental and health consequences of buying and purchasing animal products. This is complete and utter corruption and in my article I reference David Robinson Simon who is the author of a book called “Meatonomics”, as well as Angel Flinn and Dan Cudahy from gentleworld.org. The two authors of the article I will be referencing from gentleworld.org wrote that “There are, however, two strong economic factors which cause industry to nurture the demand for animal products, and, on the flip side, resist efforts to promote vegan living.” This is an important quote in my article as it introduces what I will begin to discuss. These two sources provide supportive evidence of the corruption within our government that I am working to shed light on. People need to see the truth and begin working towards improving their personal health, the well being of the planet, and the lives of millions of sentient beings being murdered every day. The people behind this destructive, disgusting industry do not have our best interests in mind, as all they treasure is money.
ReplyDeleteSocial Networks represent certain aspects of our society. People use social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and Snap Chat to communicate with each other. Social networks have taken over the world and they are growing everyday. I have my own blogs to share information. Social networks have a big impact on people’s lives.
ReplyDeleteI will lose a lot if I didn’t have social media because I will not gain inside of knowledge. I will not be able to talk to my family often on facebook. I will not make new friends on social media. I will definitely use television to watch my funny videos. I will never learn how to sew because Youtube taught me how to make clothes. I use social media like facebook because it gives you some news about what’s going on in the world like the guy who kill people for a woman who left him. I get new friends and I can communicate with my family from Haiti, Canada, Unites States and Paris. Facebook teach you how to make some food like cake, chicken, fish. Sometimes, I watch funny videos that make you laugh. It’s almost the same thing with Youtube.
The world is filled with Social Media apps available at my fingertips 24\7. I am blessed to have access to worldwide information at my fingertips 24\7. Today’s technology allows my family tree to cover branches within hours of my name being given to a single individual. Yes, the days of networking are at a whole new level of access and availability. We will take a walk down the road of my life and how social media plays a part. My day is started with my daily alerts about the many topics I placed on my smart social device to alert me too. The weather forecast is the most important information I get before I get out of my bed. It helps me pick the right cloths to wear for the whole day. My second most important daily alert is my daily calendar of meetings and scheduled events for the day. It helps get my mind in order about topics and discussions. The meeting could be covering yesterday headline news or how to improve the company bottom line. Having my mind fresh with information and ideals will service the company and myself. It will work towards better company morale. Finally, the instant message services provided by the many different apps (iMessage, WhatsApp, Snapchat etc) are priceless. I can start an instant message with one colleague and within minutes, I can have over 5 people expressing their different views. My day can end with my personal views being changed by standing in someone else’s shoes because a discussion started with “Can you believe that?” Social Media in the year 2017 have made my life and the people around me talk without boarders and walls. So, I hope we continue to use smart social devices as a bridge builder and not wall divider.
My story article will be on the topic of people who want to own, or already own exotic animals. For the most part people who want to own an exotic animal do so because of their own selfish reasons and not to benefit the animal it’s self. A quote that I found rather interesting was “It’s believed that more exotic animals live in American homes than are cared for in American zoos.”(National geographic) Many believe when you take the wild out of the wild, you eradicate its true nature and replace it with fantasy. This is extremely dangerous cant has even ended fatally. So it raises the question should exotic animals be allowed to live in homes as pets?, or should there be laws ruling against it? Either way the animal’s best interest should always be kept in mind. Many famous starts like Justin Beiber, Chris brown, Tyga and Mike Tyson have owned monkeys, dragons and even tigers!