Assignment: Review the "Story of Journalism" reading for this week and your notes. Using these and your own experiences, discuss what interested you most about the reading, and what interests you most about journalism and the information gathering industry.
Your post should be at least 300 words long. Due date: by the end of Thursday, February 23.
Your post should be at least 300 words long. Due date: by the end of Thursday, February 23.
I find the birth of the journalism industry to be amazing. The Story of Journalism educated me about the birth of this industry and helped to gain an even greater appreciation for the written word and the power that it holds. The fact that it was birthed by patriots passionate about having the ability to freely express their opinion and spread information to mass amounts of people. All of these men like Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson took it upon themselves to create a way of advocating for what they believed in and opened a way of communicating that allows anyone to freely express themselves through writing. They paved the way for free individual expression through words which I believe is a truly beautiful and commendable thing.
ReplyDeleteI find this industry to be one of great passion which is what draws me to it. It allows people with passion about things going on in this world to record their ideas and share them as they wish. Journalism, to me, is a symbol of freedom. It is a beautiful aspect of life that we, as human beings, reserve this write to express everything that goes on in our minds and share that with the world. This connects people which is why I am so passionate about writing- it has the ability to educate, inform, console, comfort, or prepare individuals all over the world simply through words. This power never ceases to amaze me and it is something that I always respect and wish to make the focus of my life. Something I focus a lot on in my life is animal rights and that is something that has made me very passionate about wanting to get into the journalism and information gathering industry. I am able to find things out about this topic, or any topic, all over the world simply by checking the news. This process of checking news regarding animal injustices prompted me to make a drastic shift in my life- to go vegan. This change I have made saves the lives of thousands of animals every year, has made me a more compassionate and healthy person, and reduces my carbon footprint by 50%. I was educated via the media and I wish to do the same- to educate others. I want to do this not only in the area of animal rights, but mental health and human rights as well. I wish to advocate for these areas via my written words in this industry that allows me, and anyone else, to freely spread information to anyone that may read, watch, or listen.
I find it very interesting as to how bold the idea of journalism has changed over time. What once started as a job of informing the public about important life changing events turned into a job that feasts giving the public only the information that the journalist want them to hear. While learning about the “story of Journalism” I feel as if we got a deep sense that journalism use to be about the truth. We had great journalists that went through rough encounters and lied to get answers that they wanted the united states people to hear. Elizabeth Cochran Seaman a journalist that needed to know the truth, she went undercover and pretended that she was insane just to be admitted to a mental asylum to see what goes on there and to tell everyone what harsh conditions people lived under while in the care of the asylum owners. Hunter S. Thompson a journalist who also went under cover as someone part of Hell’s Angels just to get more intel and information on them. These Journalists went through a lot just to get a story and discover what was really happening in the world at the time. Nowadays, we don't hear about things like that. We hear more one-sided things that everyone knows about. Im not saying that journalism wasn't always one-sided but I feel as if it has gotten worse throughout the years. Each news company is very clear on their stance on situations and because of that they don't tell you information that would make their stance look like the bad one. Sometimes you cant eve rely on media or news to tell you what actually happen because you are just going to get different stories where ever you look. I think its something that should be more looked at or talked about.
ReplyDeleteWhat interested me the most in “The Story of Journalism” is the news in the 20th century. Back then, people would get news mostly from newspapers and the radio. They had no television, phones, internet or technology like today. It’s interesting because back then, to listen to music, you only had the radio. And on the radio, they would sometimes have shows that you could listen to, no visual. After World War II, people started buying televisions. This was when “I Love Lucy” was popular, which was a great show. In the 1960’s, television journalism began. I found it interesting that for four days, people were watching the Kennedy assassination coverage. It was the most popular thing on television and people were glued to the TV. In 1994, the average time spent watching the TV news was 38 minutes. And today, people spend hours and hours watching TV, also including being on their phones. And the average time reading the newspaper was 19 minutes. People today still read the newspaper but I find it rare because you can access the news right at your fingertips. I also found it really cool how during this time, in newspapers, reporters had to shorten their writing. Which meant they had to cover the big facts first then less important facts later. Imagine if newspapers did that today? I feel like some stories are very biased and one sided, it’s hard to really know the true facts in some cases.
ReplyDeleteWhat I find interesting about the journalism today is that the media, technology and people everyday are changing. It’s incredible what we can come up with next. There’s always new ways to access your news. For example, when Snapchat first came out, it was to be used for the sole purpose of taking pictures, sending them to friends and posting them on your story. But a few years ago, Snapchat developed other stories which are within Snapchat and you can catch up on certain brands or companies and you can read news from there. It’s pretty cool and really convenient. What I also find interesting is that in certain stories, they are very biased. For example, in the Cosmopolitan story, they are always against Trump. And you will find that other stories are not. I do use different things to get different news. If I want to know about new beauty, entertainment, or music news, I will check Snapchat but if I want to know about what’s going on in the world I’ll watch the news or read the newspaper.
My name is Fredlyne and I like knowing what’s going on in the world. For me, journalism is an important part of our society. Without that material, we will not know the real stories in any part of the world. Reporting helps us understand the meaning of everyone’s life. Journalism helps discovered the behind the scene that no one wants to talk about it. The stories of journalism are a way for us to understand it and where it comes from.
ReplyDeleteJournalism exists in life because of reporters discovered the little dirty secret of top officials. That’s why I like people’s magazine because they are not scared to spread the news for people to read. It talks about scandals like cheating taxpayers out of retirement funds. Journalism always tries to release facts about their stories. Back in the days, people use to write stories on paper to sell because it wasn’t on television yet. Now, you find the stories everywhere like Internet. Five journalists make journalism the biggest thing nowadays. It’s Mark Twain is a humorist. Nellie Bly was an investigator. H.L. Mencken was all about politics. Ernest Hemingway was popular on covering crimes and fires. Hunter S. Thompson was a reporter who risked his life to return with only facts.
When people started reading the daily newspapers daily, that’s when journalism became a significant source of information. Before, the news was a time base period. You couldn’t watch it anytime time of the day. Now, they have news on television twenty-fours a day. Technology makes it easier for us to know what’s going on in the world. Before, the reporters had to knock door to door to find the real story. Now, it’s all on twitter from our current president with his daily comments. Journalism doesn’t have to work hard for it, and I like it like that. Everything is on the Internet for reporters to access in the palm of their hands.
The birth of journalism was a way to spread the message. Journalists or reporters were working so hard to spread the news and people want to know the true. People love dramatic stories, and that’s where the journalism became critical to people. Per example, Benjamin Harris was in jail in London. When he came to Boston, he was the first one to print the newspaper. He couldn’t continue doing his business because of his license. He needed a license to spread it to the world.
Now, no one needs the permission to print a story of facts or alternative facts throughout the world. That’s the beauty of journalism. Journalists are great spies for the untold stories of people without power or a voice for the people. Anyone can express his or her personal opinions on today's’ view on life. Everything change because of technology, it makes easier for the news to spread.
I think the reading is extremely intriguing because it shows a clear representation of how the influence of news has a huge impact on a society and a culture as a whole. The reading shows how everyone always wants a good story, and as they are presenting to you the top shows, journalists, or moves, you begin to realize all of the ways they are drawing you into the reading. It presents a so-called “best” list of certain aspects or avenues, and suggests that if you want to be a great journalist, you need to agree or know these ideas. I enjoy the reading because it paints a vivid picture of how our society to this day relies on a great story. Its not so much the content, but it’s the flashy headline that will draw you in. This is an unfortunate truth but it is what sells. Through person experiences I have been able to see how catchy headlines or tactics can draw in a crowd through different avenues. Nowadays we gain all of our news through social media. Its very rare that I will be in front of the television watching the news rather than getting the update of the weather on my phone. I do enjoy writing to begin with, but I think my real interest in journalism figuring out how to find out the right questions. By the time you have a lead on something you can make it interesting enough to get people’s attention. I enjoy the fact that journalism has a big impact on the influencing of societies and how it it can shape a culture. That is my favorite aspect and when you connect everything together you get a clear image of how it all relates. It shows how the most subtle of writings or headlines can stir up a whole culture.
ReplyDeleteJournalism and newspapers have had an impact since the very beginning. It is an industry that changes and evolves with us. As technology and the need for information changes so do the outlets for news and all of its sources. Since the first newspaper of America was published on September 25th, 1690 the way people receive their news has certainly changed but the public's interests have not. The first paper included, sex scandals, politics, a virus epidemic and coverage of a new holiday, thanksgiving. All of the topics the first paper covered are topics that we still cover in today's day and age. The first successful paper was founded in the city of Boston in 1704. The industry quickly grew and gained the support of the entire country and the news became a prevalent part of American life. After newspapers came the radio, TVs, smart phones etc. The news/media today in the 21st century exists in the age of the internet. The need for news and information has changed into needed to have it instantly and again the industry has adapted. We now live in a world full of questionable news because of the need to have it instantly. We have come a long way since the first paper was published and I am eager to see the next move for technology but most importantly the impact it will have on how the media and news will function.
ReplyDeleteWhile I was reading "The Story of Journalism" I found it very interesting and informative. It helped me understand how journalism grew and how it progressed throughout the years of history. Spreading information over great distances and being able to gain access to news from other parts of the world allows us to understand and be informed about what is happing around us. Being able to connect with other people from around the world and know what is happing to them in their countries allows us to learn about their issues, hear their music, learn their language, and their culture.
ReplyDeleteIn my other classes, such as American History, we are at the point of history where people are learning to communicate and share information throughout the colonies by newspaper. As well as in my History of Broadcasting class, we are learning how radio has changed the way we receive information. People used to have different information for their specific area and when radio and television came out it was faster to inform many people over great distances with the same information. As well as in my Multicultural Studies in Music class, we see how the radio was able to provide people with entertainment rather than just news, through music.
So seeing how all this information is coming together puts into perspective how fast and effective receiving and giving information is. Even thinking about the possibilities of new and effective ways how journalism will improve over the next few years is endless, there are hundreds of ideas and ways people will invent to communicate and share information. We live in a world where everything is connectable. We went from handing out single newspapers by hand to taking out our cell phones and being able to connect to anyone and anything around the world.
The story of Journalism has helped to expand my knowledge of the gathering and spreading of information. What caught my attention the most about the birth of journalism is how it has shaped America and how accessing it is evolving with the times. Our very country's first Amendment is in part there to protect journalists from persecution for speaking their mind and expressing their opinions. The different ways journalists were able to spread information to the public has changed as technology has advanced with inventions such as the radio, television, and the internet. How to spread the news and ideas in the early stages of journalism in America was for the most part restricted to only newspapers. As the 20th century came around radio made the flow of information more widely available and easier to access. Shortly after the radio, came the television which then was followed by the internet, which has really furthered the expansion of outlets for information to be accessed through. All of this leading to what we are currently living in, the information age.
ReplyDeleteI find journalism to be both informative and open ended. the fact that we can learn about what's going on in washington and across the globe at the tips of our fingers is remarkable. The amount of information and how quickly we can obtain it has never been as accessible as it is today. Anything can be discussed or analyzed by a journalist to inform or entertain a consumer. Without journalists, we as a whole would be a lot less aware of the world around us. Right now is an interesting time in history in regards to trust of journalists and their ethics as people from both sides of the political spectrum claim the other are producing “fake news”. Opposing views is important in a healthy democracy and silencing someone else’s opinion does not help. Regardless of what anyone may say, we as a whole need journalists. In order to progress and steer away from corruption, our country needs them to fight for what is right and what we deserve to know.
What really interests me most about the story of journalism is how it started and how controlled it is to this day. From “Publick Occurrences” to Hearst Tower’s. It’s pretty mind blowing. From Ben Franklin, Isaiah Thomas, Alexander Hamilton, and Benjamin Towne’s paper to The Guardian and The Wall Street Journal. The revolution of the news in the past 300 years is astonishing. There were about 20 colonial newspapers and it turned into worldwide mass media. There was an explosive growth of the news and journalism industries and the movement of media from newsstands in a town square to mass media into our living rooms and then our pockets. What interests me about journalism is all the different types of journalism. Communicating ideas and notions about culture from generation to generation and from culture to culture, entertainment, fine art or pop art, and the check on government power and policies. Now a day’s news is easily accessible and easily available. Before people didn’t have access to electronics. There was no television, radio, let alone any electricity. But now news is being harder and harder not to see, it’s everywhere. To some people, it’s just news, but to other people it’s entertainment. There is a huge variety of news, all doing the same thing. Passing along information for the purposes of whatever the masses desire. Either needless entertainment or important life changing information. It’s all in the palm of our hands. I personally like investigative journalism. Exposing corruption and gaining further in depth truth into the lives of cultures we don’t understand or exposing us to certain ideologies we wouldn’t get the opportunity to experience in our lives let alone hear about. The frontier of journalism is definitely necessary as it’s our amendment right as well as the frontier of information.