Quite alot of news writing and commentary takes place on the Internet these days, and why not? With a computer connection, people can write, read, and contribute to the news from pretty much anywhere.
On this blog, we'll be posting and discussing items from the news and from class. Some items and discussion posts you'll recognize from material we cover in class. Other items will be posted here first.

I'll be leading and moderating discussions and posts. When posting and discussing, please follow the guidelines noted in our class resources.
Assignment: This is your first post. Introduce yourself. Tell us your name, what you're studying, and anything else that will help us get to know each other. Do you have a web page? A Facebook page? A Blog? Post links to that too, if you like.
Discuss what kind of news and information you like/enjoy reading. How do you usually access/get your news? At the end, post a link to an interesting news item/story, with a short explanation of what the link is about and why you chose it.
Click on the "comments" link below, to post your comment. Be sure to use your name.
How to post: (1) Click on the comments link. (2) See where it says "Comment as"? Pick that, and enter your name. (3) Write your comment and press "post comment."
Due date: by Monday, January 30. Your post should be at least 300 words long.
How to post: (1) Click on the comments link. (2) See where it says "Comment as"? Pick that, and enter your name. (3) Write your comment and press "post comment."
Due date: by Monday, January 30. Your post should be at least 300 words long.
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ReplyDeleteHello! My name is Stacie Malgieri. I live in Suffern, New York, where the RCC is located. I am a Liberal Arts major with an eye geared towards Journalism and I'm considering the other eye to maybe gear towards something else, but I am still trying to decide what I would like to minor in. I love writing, editing, and learning how to understand media and how information is being delivered throughout the world and this country, in order for people to have immediate news or stories at their finger tips. Personally, I am not thrilled to live in a generation that no longer enjoys print writing. When I say print writing, I mean actual paper writing such as newspapers and magazines. It is a field of journalism I am extremely interested but unfortunately it is a dying one.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing to read most likely is The New York Times. It is an extremely classical and character filled newspaper, and one of the oldest. It focuses on all areas of news from around the world news, politics, the arts, business and other cool stuff. It is so extremely diverse and appealing to so many people and is structured perfectly in my book.
I am super excited to take this class, Professor Fuentes is my Professor for Outlook Student Press, and I really enjoy how he delievers his content to students and helps them understand and thrive in areas that they are interested in. He is extremely encouraging and wants to see you do well so I thought taking his journalism class would give me the right way to begin about going onto my Journalism career for the future ahead of me.
I don't have any interesting forms of social media/websites of my own to share with you guys. Sorry.
But here is the interesting news story I found to share with you.
Just yesterday an iconic woman we loved as Mary Tyler Moore passed away. She was extremely iconic for being a sitcom star and really paved a way for woman journalists and opened the field up for woman to thrive in since the 1970's. This article is written by Jane Pauley, who looked up to Mary and followed in her footsteps to be the amazing journalist she is now. She explains how she went through similar struggles Mary did when she was first going out into the world. She copied Mary's fashion when she could not have her own on certain days. Jane even wore a similar ensemble on her final debut on the "Today" show. This piece is touching and shows what a true honor it was for people to grow up with her or watching her and finding a place for her in their heart. She touched many hearts especially Jane's, and her legacy in the world will not be forgotten.
Greetings. My name is Natasha Clare. I am a student in the English track of the humanities curriculum at Rockland Community College (RCC). I graduated high school 6 years ago and this is my first full time semester back at the college since a couple of years ago! As a slightly older student I find that I need so many more naps these days than I did during secondary school, and reserving 2 AM for completing assignments simply won't cut it anymore. I work part time at Palisades mall when not snoozing or in class. At the mall it's possible to find me at the ThinkGeek, which I had the pleasure of helping to set up before it opened in late 2015. As I am literally titled "geek specialist," it is true that I indulge in and enjoy some geekier pursuits and properties. In particular I have been an anime "fan" since the days of the original Toonami on Cartoon Network. I can recall staying up until after midnight even during school nights in middle school just to catch episodes of Inuyasha and Cowboy Bebop. I also have a collection of graphic novels--otherwise known as manga in this case, produced by Japanese artists and authors. While I have quite the soft spot for series of the comedic romance and slice of life variety, I also like those which challenge everyday beliefs and notions. Death Note and Death Parade--coincidentally similarly titled but not related to one another--are examples of series that deal with moral dilemmas and can lead to meaningful debates. Admittedly, with time devoted to anime, manga, and "geekier pursuits" among other things, I do not typically make a point of keeping up with world or local news. What I know of county events and politics and conflicts ect., I pick up mainly from overhearing David Muir on World News Tonight, and reading statuses of old classmates on my facebook feed, in which said statuses are used to voice concerns and/or encourage movement for change. The news story I will share here is this one from engadget.com: https://www.engadget.com/2017/01/26/square-enix-marvel-avengers-project-game/ It explains how two major companies, Square Enix, and Marvel, recently revealed that they are in partnership to develop video games based on "beloved Marvel heroes." I have chosen to share this news as I believe it is relevant even to the casual gamer and Marvel movie viewer or comic book reader. Although it has been just recently announced and not much is known about the games, I am certain there will be many exciting updates in the not too distant future.
ReplyDeleteHi guys, my name is Heather Mazzi. I live in Greenwood Lake, NY. It’s a really small town. Right now, I’m studying General Ed-English Track. I changed my major twice. I was doing Computer Science and then Speech Communication Theory. Right now, I’m not exactly sure what I want to do or study but I was thinking about switching back to computer science, but I’m not sure. I love working with children and elderly people so I’m not exactly sure what I want to do or study but if I had to, I would lean toward working with children or elderly people. It’s something I actually enjoy doing. People always say we’re young and we have so much time to figure out what we want to do but at the same time, I feel like I should know what I want to do. But right now, I’m just seeing what I like and makes me happy. I love listening to music, reading, cooking, baking, and running. I have a Tumblr, which is pretty old but I go on and post occasionally. It used to be really popular but it sort of died down.
ReplyDeleteI like to read any news but particularly, celebrity news, new fashion trends, social media news, new technology or the latest gadgets. I also enjoy reading about bands and music or the latest news in newspapers. I usually access my news through snapchat, they have mini stories for different topics and sometimes they’re interesting. I also find news on Twitter or through other apps. Watching the actual news on TV also.
I chose this story/link because I love cats and all animals. In England, this cat would stay in the supermarket and greet people and made people happy. He passed away two weeks ago and people in that town want to raise money to have a statue of him in his memory.
Greetings. My name is Natasha Clare. I am a student in the English track of the humanities curriculum at Rockland Community College (RCC). I graduated high school 6 years ago and this is my first full time semester back at the college since a couple of years ago! As a slightly older student I find that I need so many more naps these days than I did during secondary school, and reserving 2 AM for completing assignments simply won't cut it anymore. I work part time at Palisades Mall when not snoozing or in class. At the mall it's possible to find me at the ThinkGeek, which I had the pleasure of helping to set up before it opened in late 2015. As I am literally titled "geek specialist," it is true that I indulge in and enjoy some geekier pursuits and properties. In particular I have been an anime "fan" since the days of the original Toonami on Cartoon Network. I can recall staying up until after midnight even during school nights in middle school just to catch episodes of Inuyasha and Cowboy Bebop. I also have a collection of graphic novels--otherwise known as manga in this case, produced by Japanese artists and authors. While I have quite the soft spot for series of the comedic romance and slice of life variety, I also like those which challenge everyday beliefs and notions. Death Note and Death Parade--coincidentally similarly titled but not related to one another--are examples of series that deal with moral dilemmas and can lead to meaningful debates. Admittedly, with time devoted to anime, manga, and "geekier pursuits" among other things, I do not typically make a point of keeping up with world or local news. What I know of county events and politics and conflicts ect., I pick up mainly from overhearing David Muir on World News Tonight, and reading statuses of old classmates on my facebook feed, in which said statuses are used to voice concerns and/or encourage movement for change. The news story I will share here is this one from engadget.com: https://www.engadget.com/2017/01/26/square-enix-marvel-avengers-project-game/ It explains how two major companies, Square Enix, and Marvel, recently revealed that they are in partnership to develop video games based on "beloved Marvel heroes." I have chosen to share this news as I believe it is relevant even to the casual gamer and Marvel movie viewer or comic book reader. Although it has been just recently announced and not much is known about the games, I am certain there will be many exciting updates in the not too distant future.
ReplyDeleteHey! my name is Christian Torres! I am currently a sophomore and this is my last semester at Rockland Community College and I am going to be transferring in the fall. To what college you ask? Im still waiting to apply so I have no definite place to go yet. my major is in communications in media arts but could change when I transfer. (still trying to figure out if I want to go into music or media production. I work two jobs one is at a restaurant called Zinburger and the other is at toys r us. Both these jobs I have are located in nanuet.
ReplyDeleteIn my free time I like to sing and cover songs on my soundcloud. I am very proud of my soundcloud because I currently have over 3,622,000 plays total and my most played song have 2,000,000 plays heres a link if you'd like to check it out : https://soundcloud.com/ipoddo20
I also have a youtube channel where me and my friends get bored and do stupid things. This channel is new so it doesn't have much action going on but if you want to check that out its here as well : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCVWPPSIRJpRm_sBg6I8EUQ
Be sure to subscribe! (shameless promotion haha)
Personally I am really into technology so the type of news I typically read is more about the advancements we have made in technology. If its a new phone or speaker or maybe just some smart lights that they are making for the home. I probably know about it.
News link : http://www.trustedreviews.com/news/xbox-scorpio-release-date-specs-news-rumours-4k-vr
in this article that I choose its about the next generation gaming console that microsoft is currently developing and the reason I choose this article is because I found it interesting as to how powerful it will be compared to the current generation xbox one s.
Hey guys my name is Morgan Gray. I'm technically studying Humanities and Social Science here at RCC but I'm actually a senior in high school. My school is Nyack High School and I'm transferring to Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California in the fall. At LMU I'm going to be majoring in English with a minor in Journalism. I've been journaling since middle school and as I've grown up I've only come to love writing more and more. It's the thing that I want to do for the rest of my life and I want to utilize it to help others. I'm very passionate about two specific things-- veganism and mental health. What I want to do with these two things can be summed up as being “a voice for the voiceless”, if you will.
ReplyDeleteI've been vegan for almost a year now and since making that transition in my life my entire outlook on the world has changed and I've become incredibly conscious of and compassionate for all beings on this earth. I want to advocate for the animals via writing and reporting in order to hopefully make a substantial difference in the animal rights movement. Alongside animal rights in veganism is environmental changes. I am very passionate about reducing my own footprint on the earth and educating others on ways that they can do that as well, that is another thing I want to focus on in my writing and reporting career.
Advocating and raising awareness for mental illness is something I'm also very passionate about because I struggle with depression, body dysmorphic disorder, and anorexia. I wrote a book of poetry all about my story entitled ‘Distorted Images, Disorganized Thoughts’ (link to it on Amazon is down below) with the intention of opening up the conversation about mental illnesses. This is something I want to continue to do with my writing in the future.
I get a lot of my news from Facebook as well as the New York Times. I'm interested in reading about animal rights and environmental news as well as general human rights issues and events happening all over the world.
This article that I've chosen combines areas that I love to write about and read about which are human rights/ politics, environmental changes, and veganism. It is about how you can reduce your environmental footprint in a time where the government is being irresponsible and not taking climate change as seriously as it should.
Article: https://www.google.com/amp/m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_58839aa1e4b0111ea60b9696/amp?client=safari
My book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1520356773/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1485805911&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=distorted+images+disorganized+thoughts&dpPl=1&dpID=41AFnlsTPlL&ref=plSrch
Hey class My name is Marleny Martinez! I am currently a sophomore here at rockland community college and will be transferring in the fall to a four year college.My Major is Journalism and i look foward to keep studying the same thing at another school. Unlike many i don’t have a blog or facebook account. Although i do have social media such as instagram and snapchat i don't use it very often.
ReplyDeleteWhere i find most of my news is on youtube. I enjoy watching news clips instead of turning on the actual TV that way you’re getting straight to the point and I only watch what i am interested in. I mainly enjoy watching TMZ and Celebuzz for entertainment and when i want a more of informative type of news i have subscriptions to Fox, CNN and The Daily Show (my alltime Fav).
The link i have chosen is an interview with tomi lauren who is the host of her own tv show where she expresses her extremely conservative views and has caused outrage throughout the black and latino communities. Trevor Noah the host of the daily show interviews her and they exchange their own points of view on tough subjects like the black lives matter movement, gun violence and the presidential election. All topics that are very relevant to our nation in 2017.It is a subject i find fascinating to watch people talk about because of all the controversy.
Hello, my name is Diana Quijada. I graduated high school back in 2015 and decided to continue my education at Rockland Community College. At the moment I am currently studying for a degree in English. During my first semester I did not have a major I wanted to pursue and continued as a liberal arts student, but after my second semester, I realized I wanted to study English. I enjoy writing, but like reading a bit more. During high school, I spent most of my free time at the library. I sat there reading books and at the same time, I fulfilled my necessary hours of community service to graduate.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I do not have a Facebook, I know right, in this day and age who doesn’t have a Facebook. The reason I never made one was because at first, my mom did not allow us to use the internet a lot, then as I got older and was allowed to have a phone and use the internet freely, Facebook was dying out at school. It was not cool to have a Facebook cause only parents and grandparents use it, so I decided not to even bother making one at this point.
As for the type of news, I enjoy reading, I like to look up current articles about the latest books coming out. I love to read, and at the moment I am listening to an audiobook, which I don't really like, but the book is great so I don't mind. The book is called Dreamless by Jorgen Brekke, I recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading mystery and crime thrillers.
Also just for entertainment purposes, I like to look up dumb crimes people actually tried to do and failed. I find it very amusing what people are actually willing to do.
Hi! My name is Fredlyne Burns. I’m interested in journalism because I like to know what’s going on in the world. I like to watch E news because that channel gives you a little bit of everything. That channel gives the news of celebrities and politics. I’m very interested about the celebrity news because I like to know about their lives. I’m fascinated by it.
ReplyDeleteI spent hours on the Internet finding out what they are doing. What they did today and yesterday. I like to know about celebrity gossip. When I walk in the grocery store, I always look for gossip magazines to read. What they write on the cover of a magazine is facts versus alternative facts news.
There is always a scandal on the cover of people magazines. It could be a celebrity cheating on their boyfriend or girlfriend. Celebrities like to present the world in a perfect image. They always hide their true colors because they are worried about the backlash from society. I like to know how many times they go to jail or break the law and get away with it.
Sometimes, I want to know what they are wearing at many different award shows throughout the year. I like to watch the many different hairstyles by the many different ethnic on the red carpet. The dresses are always gorgeous worn by women with a different form of sexy body types. The names of some the designers are hard to pronounce, but they are well-known in the industry of fashion. Some of them are uncensored to wear down the street without being questioned by NYPD. When they wear ugly dresses, they are called out by the “Fashion Police.”
Celebrities have no privacy. They can’t leave their houses whenever they want. Everywhere they go somewhere, someone is taking a picture for personal or financial gain paparazzi. If they are eating food, the paparazzi took some pictures. Sometimes, they take pictures of their kids, and they don’t understand why.
Nowadays, technology makes it so easy to take away someone privacy without their permission. When the celebrities write something on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, the information is quickly posted by the local gossip magazine before weeks end. They have a feud on Internet which makes it to the cover of the local gossip page the next day.
My name is Marco Pecovic. I am a Communications Media Arts major and this is my last semester at Rockland Community College. Next semester I will be transferring to Manhattan College in the Bronx where I will be studying audio engineering and I will be involved with the production of music as I travel back and forth in and out of the city. I grew up in Yonkers and moved to Rockland County when I was around 8 or 9 years old. I now live in Pomona, which is close to Rockland Community College so I have no problem getting back and forth. I chose Manhattan College because I was planning to go there for the full 4 years when I was a senior in high school but I decided to take the 2 years at Rockland Community College to help myself financially. It also helped me decide what I really wanted to do and put myself in a position so I can make the right decisions when I transfer to Manhattan College. I will be living in a house with a group of friends in Riverdale and all of my family lives in that area so it will be just like when I was growing up. My main interests are music and sports. I watch the news everyone now and then when my grandmother has it on but I do not really like seeing all the negativity they dwell especially nowadays. I am a Chicago Bulls fan so I keep up with them frequently. I see a lot of the news through the television but the current events I see are usually brought to me through social media. Things like twitter, instagram, reddit every so often usually keep me in touch with what is going on. This article is from the other day where Jimmy Butler and Dwayne Wade were extremely frustrated with the team because it seemed as if no one wanted to win. I can agree with them because if that is there job and they are getting paid millions to get put on the court they better be giving everything they have out there. They were not happy with the results of the past few games and they said some things that may have came from some understandable frustration which led them to getting benched the next game.
Hey everyone, my name is Ricardo Medina and I’m studying liberal arts at Rockland Community College so I can transfer to City College of New York. I’m trying to go into cinematography or architecture because those are just two fields that really interest me. I just like to create stuff, it’s just calming to me. I would put links to my social media accounts but I don’t have one/use them. I stopped using Facebook in like 2010-2011 and never went back. I usually don’t believe a lot of things in the media mainly from major news outlets because the truth tends to be skewed so I usually tell people to look at everything like a grain of salt and do your own research to come to your own conclusions. Kind of like a healthy skepticism that keeps the person knowledgeable and closer to the truth. The kind of news I like hearing or reading about is usually a lot of stuff that Vice News puts out. I like all their stories from corruption, neglect, government cover ups, legalization issues, to environmental issues and everything in between. Knowledge is power and the more factual evidence you gain from certain news and the research that you yourself take on towards said topic I feel just keeps you from being docile. I usually access my news from the internet from videos on the internet kind of like the suggested videos which tend to be on the side of whatever it is you’re watching or what I’m subscribed to on Youtube. Like I remember this vice short documentary on this really wealthy foreign business man who created a site or some sort of information sharing site or app which was 100% encrypted information. The sites purpose was to cut “Big Brother” out of the equation by completely letting the people use/share information or any sort of files or messages in a completely anonymous way. Now this man accumulated a ridiculous amount of wealth on it, and mind you this was all legal the federal government saw it fit to go after him. In this video it tours his enormous property and toys and discussing all the raids and violation of rights he was subjected to just by creating a free encrypted sharing service. I haven’t seen the video in a long time I’ll try and find it. I actually found it, the company he created was mega-upload. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMxhIfG0MpY
ReplyDeleteHey class My name is Marleny Martinez! I am currently a sophomore here at rockland community college and will be transferring in the fall to a four year college.My Major is Journalism and i look foward to keep studying the same thing at another school. Unlike many i don’t have a blog or facebook account. Although i do have social media such as instagram and snapchat i don't use it very often.
ReplyDeleteWhere i find most of my news is on youtube. I enjoy watching news clips instead of turning on the actual TV that way you’re getting straight to the point and I only watch what i am interested in. I mainly enjoy watching TMZ and Celebuzz for entertainment and when i want a more of informative type of news i have subscriptions to Fox, CNN and The Daily Show (my alltime Fav).
The link i have chosen is an interview with tomi lauren who is the host of her own tv show where she expresses her extremely conservative views and has caused outrage throughout the black and latino communities. Trevor Noah the host of the daily show interviews her and they exchange their own points of view on tough subjects like the black lives matter movement, gun violence and the presidential election. All topics that are very relevant to our nation in 2017.It is a subject i find fascinating to watch people talk about because of all the controversy.
Hey guys my name is Morgan Gray. I'm technically studying Humanities and Social Science here at RCC but I'm actually a senior in high school. My school is Nyack High School and I'm transferring to Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California in the fall. At LMU I'm going to be majoring in English with a minor in Journalism. I've been journaling since middle school and as I've grown up I've only come to love writing more and more. It's the thing that I want to do for the rest of my life and I want to utilize it to help others. I'm very passionate about two specific things-- veganism and mental health. What I want to do with these two things can be summed up as being “a voice for the voiceless”, if you will.
ReplyDeleteI've been vegan for almost a year now and since making that transition in my life my entire outlook on the world has changed and I've become incredibly conscious of and compassionate for all beings on this earth. I want to advocate for the animals via writing and reporting in order to hopefully make a substantial difference in the animal rights movement. Alongside animal rights in veganism is environmental changes. I am very passionate about reducing my own footprint on the earth and educating others on ways that they can do that as well, that is another thing I want to focus on in my writing and reporting career.
Advocating and raising awareness for mental illness is something I'm also very passionate about because I struggle with depression, body dysmorphic disorder, and anorexia. I wrote a book of poetry all about my story entitled ‘Distorted Images, Disorganized Thoughts’ (link to it on Amazon is down below) with the intention of opening up the conversation about mental illnesses. This is something I want to continue to do with my writing in the future.
I get a lot of my news from Facebook as well as the New York Times. I'm interested in reading about animal rights and environmental news as well as general human rights issues and events happening all over the world.
This article that I've chosen combines areas that I love to write about and read about which are human rights/ politics, environmental changes, and veganism. It is about how you can reduce your environmental footprint in a time where the government is being irresponsible and not taking climate change as seriously as it should.
Article: https://www.google.com/amp/m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_58839aa1e4b0111ea60b9696/amp?client=safari
My book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1520356773/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1485805911&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=distorted+images+disorganized+thoughts&dpPl=1&dpID=41AFnlsTPlL&ref=plSrch
Hey class My name is Marleny Martinez! I am currently a sophomore here at rockland community college and will be transferring in the fall to a four year college.My Major is Journalism and i look foward to keep studying the same thing at another school. Unlike many i don’t have a blog or facebook account. Although i do have social media such as instagram and snapchat i don't use it very often.
ReplyDeleteWhere i find most of my news is on youtube. I enjoy watching news clips instead of turning on the actual TV that way you’re getting straight to the point and I only watch what i am interested in. I mainly enjoy watching TMZ and Celebuzz for entertainment and when i want a more of informative type of news i have subscriptions to Fox, CNN and The Daily Show (my alltime Fav).
The link i have chosen is an interview with tomi lauren who is the host of her own tv show where she expresses her extremely conservative views and has caused outrage throughout the black and latino communities. Trevor Noah the host of the daily show interviews her and they exchange their own points of view on tough subjects like the black lives matter movement, gun violence and the presidential election. All topics that are very relevant to our nation in 2017.It is a subject i find fascinating to watch people talk about because of all the controversy.
Hey everyone, my names is Brian O'Neill. I will be transferring to SUNY Oswego for the fall semester where I'll continue my studies in business administration along with broadcasting & mass communications. I'm a big fan of indie/alt music and video editing.
ReplyDeleteI usually get my news through the internet. I try to avoid getting my news through social media since a good amount of it is fabricated or skewed (this goes for both sides). The kind of news I tend to enjoy most would be political, legalization issues, and technology. The link I decided to share is about how the legalization of marijuana is affecting the cartel. I chose this because legalization is becoming more and more relevant as states continue to pass laws in favor of legalization.
I look forward to learning the in and outs of journalism from this class.
Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/03/03/legal-marijuana-is-finally-doing-what-the-drug-war-couldnt/?utm_term=.2e75588697dc
Taron Tann
ReplyDeleteEnglish 217
Professor Fuentes
Journalism is a competitive field. There are plenty of topics that a person can get out of journalism. For instance you have investigative, political, entertainment, and photo journalism. What I have learned is that everyone in this world wants to know what’s going in the news. People want to know everything that is happening with in our society. For intense we the people want to know what is going on with our newly elected president Donald Trump. What is he doing? What is he tweeting and what countries has he been visiting. Or for entertainment sake, what is going on with our celebrities. What have they been up? Have they been doing something to contribute to our society? See that’s what people are interested. Another thing I’ve learned about the field of journalism is that if you are a reporter and see a crime you are allowed to report it. Right there on the spot. That is what you called an anchorman. Also what I’ve learned is that reporting on the scene is not illegal. Even though I thought it was.
Being a student in English 217, I learned that there are many qualities of news. These qualities consist of human interest, proximity, and conflicts. These are things people want to know. What intrigued me the most is when I found out that it is alright for a journalist to reveal information, which the president wants to keep classified. That would be called an expose. An exposé is where you expose anyone for there crimes or dark secrets they’ve been hiding. An example of an expose is the Watergate scandal. The two reporters who wrote that famous byline were Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. Their shared byline made millions of dollars and was viewed all over the United States. Their article also led to the resignation of Richard Nixon. They exposed him as a crook scam artist; exposed him for his scandals. Journalism is our source to the world’s problems.