Quite alot of news writing and commentary takes place on the Internet these days, and why not? With a computer connection, people can write, read, and contribute to the news from pretty much anywhere.
On this blog, we'll be posting and discussing items from the news and from class. Some items and discussion posts you'll recognize from material we cover in class. Other items will be posted here first.

I'll be leading and moderating discussions and posts. When posting and discussing, please follow the guidelines noted in our class resources.
Assignment: This is your first post. Introduce yourself. Tell us your name, what you're studying, and anything else that will help us get to know each other. Do you have a web page? A Facebook page? A Blog? Post links to that too, if you like.
Discuss what kind of news and information you like/enjoy reading. How do you usually access/get your news? At the end, post a link to an interesting news item/story, with a short explanation of what the link is about and why you chose it.
Click on the "comments" link below, to post your comment. Be sure to use your name.
How to post: (1) Click on the comments link. (2) See where it says "Comment as"? Pick that, and enter your name. (3) Write your comment and press "post comment."
Due date: by Monday, January 30. Your post should be at least 300 words long.
How to post: (1) Click on the comments link. (2) See where it says "Comment as"? Pick that, and enter your name. (3) Write your comment and press "post comment."
Due date: by Monday, January 30. Your post should be at least 300 words long.